The Surprising Climate Change Benefits of Coronavirus

The Surprising Climate Change Benefits of Coronavirus
Just like that, the entire world has experienced change in its daily routine due to the Coronavirus pandemic, and the need to reduce or stop travel for the sake of global health.
The Surprising Climate Change Benefits of Coronavirus

 The red fort of Delhi used to have a very foggy atmosphere at first.But due to the impact of lockdown due to the arrival of the corona virus, it is very bland Atmosphere is seen.

From new strict hand washing regimens to cancelled events or having to work from home, this is without a doubt affecting everything in our daily lives - including our carbon footprint. In fact the environment might just be the only beneficiary of this scary social distancing scenario we are all part of. 

Let's take a look at how Coronavirus is affecting the environment.

Now more than ever companies are realizing that their business can stay afloat by allowing their employees to work from home in order to keep everyone safe and healthy. A major plus to working from home is that it is good for the environment! Decreasing carbon emissions alone from the daily commute significantly improves air quality. According to The Climate Group, working from home has the potential to reduce over 300 MILLION tonnes of carbon emissions per year. Not to mention all the other awesome benefits such as work/life balance and decreased traffic congestion.

Air Quality Has Improved in Lockdown Areas
The Surprising Climate Change Benefits of Coronavirus

It has been reported that air quality has improved immensely in both Italy and China since residents have been staying home due to the outbreak. According to China's Ministry of Ecology and Environment, "the average number of "good quality air days" increased 21.5% in February, compared to the same period last year." Carbon emissions are also significantly down in China. Between February 3rd and March 1st they experienced a 25% decrease. Because China is the largest polluter in the world, this is good news for all of us as it could potentially measure to an estimated 200 million tonnes. 


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