
Showing posts from April, 2020


HOW TO APPLY MANAV GARIMA YOJNA ONLINE APPLY. How To Apply Manav Garima Yojna Online Apply Rules. Their Families Future By Working For Their Own In Whatever The Location They Want to Work In. Financial Assistance For The Scheduled Caste Persons Desirous to Start Their Own Enterprises in Cottage Industries Without Obtaining Bank Loans and For Self Employeeing. On Income Limit of 47000/- in Rural Areas And 60,000/- in Urban Areas. The Government Will Approve Finanical Assistance of 4000/- Rupees to the one of equipment .Implemented through Gujarat Scheduled Caste Development Corporation. The Applicant Must be The Resident of Gujarat. The Applicant Must be From The Scheduled Caste. The Annual Income of the Applicant Must be as per Norms. Rural Income Limit is set to 47,000/- and Urban Income Limit is set too 60,000/-  Manav garima Yojna Documents Requirements Aadhar Card, Voting ID card, College ID etc. Resiential Proof Income Proof Passp...

Civil Hospital Ahmedabad Recruitment posts 2020

Civil Hospital Ahmedabad Recruitment for 1005 Specialist, Medical Officer & Staff Nurse Posts 2020 Total Posts: 1005 Posts Posts Name: 💠Specialist Pulmonologist / Physician / Critical Care: 90 Posts 💠Specialist Anesthetist: 15 Posts 💠Medical Officer: 200 Posts 💠Staff Nurse: 700 Posts Educational Qualification: Please Read Official Advertisement. Selection Process: interview. How to Apply: Interested and Eligible candidates are requested to remain present along with all original certificates to given address in the advertisement. Advertisement Link :- Click Here Dear Visitors, Now you can get JOb information & Study Materials, Competitive Exam Current Affairs and all educational Information through Newstreasure site Easily.We daily publish Useful Updates on our site Newstreasure it is famous for competitive exam’s preparation. we provide complete exam materials for various exam Like Tet,Htat,Tat,police exam,Clerk ...

The Pune-based company found the corona vaccine

Oxford scientists research corona vaccine production in just a few weeks in India Full Information Read in Gujarati :- Click Here Dear Visitors, Now you can get JOb information & Study Materials, Competitive Exam Current Affairs and all educational Information through Newstreasure site Easily.We daily publish Useful Updates on our site Newstreasure it is famous for competitive exam’s preparation. we provide complete exam materials for various exam Like Tet,Htat,Tat,police exam,Clerk exam, Gpsc Exam,panchayat clerk exam and other Gujarat Level Exams. From newstreasure Web you can Get various Related Like General knowledge, Gujarat Totally General knowledge,English Grammar,Gujarati Grammar,Gujarati Literature,maths,science and other more materials For exams complete preparation stay connected with Dear Visitors, Now you can get Job information & Competitive Exam’s Preparation materials through site Easily. We d...

Sivananda Zha said- only one person on a two wheeler and a maximum of two people in a four wheeler

Sivananda Zha said- only one person on a two wheeler and a maximum of two people in a four wheeler Dear Visitors, Now you can get JOb information & Study Materials, Competitive Exam Current Affairs and all educational Information through Newstreasure site Easily.We daily publish Useful Updates on our site Newstreasure it is famous for competitive exam’s preparation. we provide complete exam materials for various exam Like Tet,Htat,Tat,police exam,Clerk exam, Gpsc Exam,panchayat clerk exam and other Gujarat Level Exams. From newstreasure Web you can Get various Related Like General knowledge, Gujarat Totally General knowledge,English Grammar,Gujarati Grammar,Gujarati Literature,maths,science and other more materials For exams complete preparation stay connected with Dear Visitors, Now you can get Job information & Competitive Exam’s Preparation materials through site Easily. We daily publish on our site Newstrea...

When will Corona leave India

When will Corona leave India? Statistics given by the Ministry of Health W hen will Corona leave India information In Gujarati :- CLICK HERE Dear Visitors, Now you can get JOb information & Study Materials, Competitive Exam Current Affairs and all educational Information through Newstreasure site Easily.We daily publish Useful Updates on our site Newstreasure it is famous for competitive exam’s preparation. we provide complete exam materials for various exam Like Tet,Htat,Tat,police exam,Clerk exam, Gpsc Exam,panchayat clerk exam and other Gujarat Level Exams. From newstreasure Web you can Get various Related Like General knowledge, Gujarat Totally General knowledge,English Grammar,Gujarati Grammar,Gujarati Literature,maths,science and other more materials For exams complete preparation stay connected with Dear Visitors, Now you can get Job information & Competitive Exam’s Preparation materials through site...

The Gujarat Government Announced The Dates Of Distribution Of Foodgrains

The Gujarat Government Announced The Dates Of Distribution Of Foodgrains The distribution will start on the 25th. The ration will be given to 66 lakh families again under five days NFSA. In which 3.5 kg wheat and 1.5 kg rice will be given again per person. Arrangements will be made on the 30th for those who cannot go to pick up supplies on this date. ✔️The last digit in the ration card will be 1, 2 for them on 25th April ✔️The last digit in the ration card is 3, 4 on 26th April ✔️The last digit in the ration card is 5, 6 on 27th April ✔️The last digit in the ration card is 7, 8 for them on 28th April An important decision: Declared a national disaster. That means you can donate under COVID 19 through GSDMA which will be tax-exempt as CSR. Permission for these people to normalize public life: The collector is urged to allow the plumber, mechanic, carpenter, AC, tailor, etc. Anyone who needs a carpenter, electrician, plumber, etc., is required to hire priva...

Best earning App 2020

BEST EARNING APP 2020            नमस्ते दोस्तो आपका स्वागत है हमारे इस वेब पेज पर । आप सबको पता होगा कि अभी भारत मे और पूरे विश्व मे कोरोना का हाहाकार मचा हुआ है।भारत मे अभी लोकडाउन का समय चल रहा है और सभी लोगो का कामधंधा ठप हो गया है।और सभी लोग अपने अपने घरो में बैठे बोर हो रहे है। आप पूरा दिन मोबाइल तो चलाते ही होंगे।और पूरा दिन पब्जी और फ़्रीफायर जैसी गेम खेलकर अपना टाइमपास कर रहे होंगे।       हम आपके लिए एक ऐसी ऐप लेकर आये है जिसमे आपको सिर्फ मोबाइल में गेम खेलकर पैसे कमाने है।अगर आप इस ऐप को दिन में 1 घंटा तक यूझ करते हो तो आपको 150 से 200 रुपये तक कि अर्निंग हो जाएगी वैसे भी आप लोकडाउन में बाहर तो निकल नही सकते तो आप घर बैठे गेम खेलकर अपना काम निकाल सकते हो। इस ऐप को कैसे इन्स्टॉल करना है,कैसे यूज़ करना है ये सब नीचे बताया गया है। आप ठीक से पढ़कर ऐप को इंस्टाल करके आपकी आपकी अर्निंग शुरू करे। Big cash ऐप क्या है ?      दोस्तो ये ऐप 2020 का सबसे ज्यादा पैसे देने वाला ऐप है।जिसका नाम Big Cash  है।...

Railway Recruitment Jobs 2020

10 pass Railway Recruitment Jobs 2020. Railway Recruitment 2020: Railway Recruitment Cell - Eastern Railway Kolkata has issued a new notice regarding 2792recruitments for the posts of Trade Apprentice.  Railway has said that the candidates will get the chance to apply. Railway Recruitment 2020: Railway Recruitment Cell - Eastern Railway Kolkata has issued a new notice regarding 2792 recruitments for the posts of Trade Apprentice. Railway has said that the candidates will get the chance to apply even after the last April 5 of the application. Although the window for submitting the application will close at 6:30 pm on April 5, the application window will be reopened for 15 days after the situation becomes normal. Railway Recruitment Cell says that it is receiving complaints that candidates are having difficulty in arranging their required documents like EWS, caste certificate due to lockdown. Cyber ​​caf is also closed due to lockdown, due to which he is unable t...

STD 1 to 12 textbook pdf download

STD 1 TO 12 ALL BOOKS PDF DOWNLOAD FREE Namste dosto, Amari website ma tamaru swagat chhe.Education na releted koi pan News mate amari website ne Follow karo kem ke Gujarat sarkar taraf thi jaher karvama aavti tamam bharti mate ni books Temaj Sarkari bharti visheni mahiti amari website ma mukta Rahiye chhe.Gujarat sarkar dvara bahar padvama aavti exam Police constable,Binsachivaly clerk,Talati kam mantri,Class 1/2 All exam Material,Gssseb All exam details,Join our Website. ⏩STD 1 TO 8 TEXTBOOK PDF DOWNLOAD :- CLICK HERE ⏩STD 9 TO 12 TEXTBOOK PDF DOWNLOAD :- CLICK HERE More books pdf Download 🔀WORLD INBOX MODEL PEPAR PDF DOWNLOAD:- CLICK HERE 🔀GUJARAT ALL DISTRICT BOOK PDF DOWNLOAD :- CLICK HERE 🔀GUJARATI VYAKARAN BOOK PDF DOWNLOAD :- CLICK HERE 🔀BINSACHIVALAY MODEL PEPAR PDF DOWNLOAD :- CLICK HERE

The Surprising Climate Change Benefits of Coronavirus

The Surprising Climate Change Benefits of Coronavirus Just like that, the entire world has experienced change in its daily routine due to the Coronavirus pandemic, and the need to reduce or stop travel for the sake of global health.   The red fort of Delhi used to have a very foggy atmosphere at first. But due to the impact of lockdown due to the arrival of the corona virus, it is very bland Atmosphere is seen. From new strict hand washing regimens to cancelled events or having to work from home, this is without a doubt affecting everything in our daily lives - including our carbon footprint. In fact the environment might just be the only beneficiary of this scary social distancing scenario we are all part of.  Let's take a look at how Coronavirus is affecting the environment. Now more than ever companies are realizing that their business can stay afloat by allowing their employees to work from home in order to keep everyone safe and healthy. A major p...

Rs. 1000 will deposit directly Account Holder By Gujarat government

Rs. 1000 will deposit directly Account Holder By Gujarat government Assistance of Rs 1000 to 66 lakh cardholders Rupees will be deposited in everyone’s account Work has begun in 63 marketing yards Gandhinagar: Amid growing corona-positive cases in the state, the Romanian government announced an important role for the poor. CMO secretary Ashwini Kumar said at a press conference that it has been decided that  Rs. 1000 will deposit directly Account Holder READ VTV GUJARATI NEWS REPORT Rs. 1000 will deposit directly Account Holder State government food security hotel in the account of 66 lakh card holders from Monday to Rs. 1000 to deposit. The government will provide additional assistance for the month of April. No form has to be filled for this. The government will deposit the money based on the data. Chief Minister’s Secretary Ashwini Kumar has said that the government will incur a burden of Rs 660 crore on this. The account of 66 lakh card holders, from Mond...
Modi government makes big decision on Gutkha, tobacco, alcohol sales, details of abplive news report The lockdown has been extended by  Prime Minister Narendra Modi for another 19 days,  which means a lockdown was announced till May 3.  Since then the Union Home Ministry has  announced guidelines . In addition to this, all employees should use thermal screening and sanitizer during their over-fever.  It has been said to keep distance even at lunch time.  The guide lines say that all types of flights, except cargo, will be completely closed. Guidelines have also been ordered to block social groups.  Religious venues have also been banned from any planning or ceremony.  Excluding medical emergencies, people have been banned from moving from one district to another. In this way all public transport services have also been banned.  Auto rickshaws, taxi and cab services will also be closed. Prime  Minister Narendra Modi said that af...